Ina Nikolova

What Are the Differences Between Active Directory und Azure AD?

As managed service providers we are often asked by the clients whether an on-premises Active Directory or Azure AD is the best option? The decision on this question is not easy to make, because more and more cloud services are also spreading into traditional data center environments. Even though Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) …

What Are the Differences Between Active Directory und Azure AD? Weiterlesen »

DKB Customer Success Story: IAM Tool Implementation and Segregation of Duties

Do you enjoy reading customer success stories? If yes, download PATECCO latest whitepaper. It describes how a renowned German banking institution overcomes a number of security challenges by means of unique combination of strategies, methods, and integration of an IAM tool, coupled with robust segregation of duties practices. This customer success story serves as a …

DKB Customer Success Story: IAM Tool Implementation and Segregation of Duties Weiterlesen »

What are Insider Threats and How Can Identity Governance and Administration Prevent Them?

Insider threats are a major and growing concern for organizations, as the human factor is often the most difficult to control and predict when it comes to data security and privacy. With digitization, the amount of digital data is growing exponentially, and with it comes an increase in the number of systems and human interactions …

What are Insider Threats and How Can Identity Governance and Administration Prevent Them? Weiterlesen »

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